





Filing Preparation Checklist component

Filing Preparation Checklist component

As we approach Year End, it is important to provide employers a set of reminders to ensure successful and accurate tax filings. Now, you can embed the Filing Preparation Checklist component into your product to easily guide employers through these steps. This component includes three key filing preparation steps for employers:

1. Reviewing their company tax information

2. Previewing their team’s W-2 filings

3. Reviewing a list of other reminders.

Additionally, we are launching step #2 as a standalone component (”Filing Preview” component), which enables employers to preview all employee W-2s. If using the Checklist component, you do not need to do any additional work for employers to access the Filing Preview component. However, if you choose to build a native tax filing preparation product, you may want to use this standalone component.

Finally, you can also now generate W-2 previews in a PDF format via the existing W-2 preview API endpoint.

To learn more about these new components, check out our API docs for the Filing Preparation Checklist component and Filing Preview component, read this Help Center article, or generate the component from any company Console page.

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